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First Lutheran Church invites families to Sunday School, Confirmation, Youth Group, and Worship! Our goal is to inspire families in a life of faith and engage members and friends to love and to serve the LORD and the community.


During November the PreK/K Sunday School Class learn that God’s Got It even when we can’t see the bigger picture. Grades 1-3 and Grades 4-6 explore the connection between GENEROSITY and God’s character as shown through God’s big story.


In December all grades celebrate Christmas with stories of how God sent Jesus as a special gift. We celebrate that special gift through songs, stories, games, parties, caroling, and a congregation wide Christmas program.


First Lutheran has Sunday School for ages 3-4, ages 5-6, grades 1-3 and grades 4-6. Class meets every Sundays, 9:15-10:15. New friends are welcome anytime.


NO SUNDAY SCHOOL ON DECEMBER 1 AND DECEMBER 29. December 15 there is no Sunday School because of the Christmas program.


Special Events and Activities:

Quarter Collection!

During November, we are collecting quarters for Rock Haven. Funds will be used for the Hard Rock Canteen, a care closet where residents can pick out low cost or free personal items, clothing, cards, snacks, candy, gifts, and etc. The Canteen provides a sense of independence for residents. Bring your quarters.


Generosity Cards

November Sunday School is about generosity! Kids and families will be invited and challenged to commit to ways they can share their gifts. Generosity cards will be available at class and sent home.


Caroling and Rock Haven

Sunday, December 8 at 5pm is caroling at Rock Haven! Meet at the church at 4:30pm to carpool or meet at Rock Haven to spread some cheer to our often forgotten friends.


Christmas Bingo

December 12, 5-7pm Masterpiece Ministry is hosting  Christmas Bingo for the entire church and community in the Fellowship Hall. This free annual event has been a blast. Play Bingo, win prizes! Free Food.


Christmas Program

Christmas for All Ages is Sunday, December 15 at 9:30am. There is a part for the littleist little to the most senior saint! Sign up for a spot in the Nativity at the Sunday School registration desk. Rehearsal is Saturday, December 14 at 9am in the Sanctuary.


For more information about Sunday School contact Renee at

Home: Welcome

First Lutheran Church


612 N Randall Ave., Janesville, WI

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