Race for a Cause
Team Paddle Faster Pastor is competing again at Dragons on the Rock, a fun and competitive fundraiser for Kandu.
All paddlers, 12 years or older, are welcome. No experience necessary.
Sign up: Contact Renee Engen 608-359-9685 or rengen@flcj.org.
Practice: Thursday, September 15, 6-7pm at Traxler Park. Waivers are due at practice.
Required: Waiver which can be found at the link below and returned to First Lutheran or brought to practice on Thursday, September 15.
Festival Day: Saturday, September 17, 2022. Please arrive at 8:45.
Location: Traxler Park, Janesville WI
Estimated Race Time: 9 AM – 4 PM
Cost: $50. Scholarships available for anyone who wants to participate. Checks can be written to First Lutheran with Dragon Boat in the memo. We also accept cash!
All dragon boats, gear, and instructions (including paddles, life jackets, and coaches) are provided for teams by the race producer.
After the races are done, we hope all teams will stick around for the festival! Beer & wine tent, food trucks, activities and live music!!
Want more info?: Contact Renee Engen 608-359-9685 or rengen@flcj.org.
Our Team: Renee and Eric E., Alex C., Dennis G., Dave and Hank A., Beth B. Norma, Tom D., Ginny F., Seth G. and Jake, Gayle, Marge, Tina, Debbie, Stuart, Heide K., and Lillian R.